Christian Mikkelstrup

I'm a PhD student at DTU Compute, where I work on Graph algorithms, Image Segmentation, and Deep Learning. I am supervised by Prof Inge Li Gørtz, Assoc Prof Vedrana A. Dahl, Prof Philip Bille, and Prof Anders Bjorholm Dahl.

My PhD is a fellowship granted by the Danish Data Science Academy. Read more about the project here.

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I'm interested in Graph Algorithms, Computer Vision, Data Structures, and Deep Learning. You will find a list of my publications below.

SportsPose - A Dynamic 3D sports pose dataset

Christian Keilstrup Ingwersen,   Christian Mikkelstrup, Janus Nørtoft Jensen, Morten Rieger Hannemose, and Anders Bjorholm Dahl.
🏆Best paper award at CVPRW, 2023 🏆
Paper  /  Code  /  Project Page

With SportsPose we introduce a large marker-less 3D pose dataset, specifically targeted at sports movement. To see more visit our project page. The paper is accepted for an oral presentation at the 2023 CVPR workshop, Computer Vision in sports

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